OK, I'm a totally water person. I love everything that's connected with water! And it makes perfect sense - I was born right by the Pacific Ocean. I'm originally from Russia & was born in the beautiful place full of geysers & volcanoes. Here's my city. On the other side it's only the ocean that you can see. I love it!
That's one of the reasons why I like water so much. I've been to Chattanooga Aquarium 9-10 times. And now I'm happy to show you some pictures from the Atlanta Aquarium.

Isn't that the prettiest smile?

Woo-hoo! A big fish tank right above us!

A lot of fish, water, people & pointing fingers!!!


A miniature hairy underwater mushroom!

Love crabs!

Looks like my son's rubber toy! haha

Cute! love purple!

Oh my! A human in the fish tank!

Guess who? Guess how many?

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